Volunteers Start First
Continuing this year, any volunteer who contributed at least four hours on or after June 20, 2009 (which includes the 2009 Challenge) will be able to start the 2010 Rachel Carson Trail Challenge at the head of the line or immediately upon arriving at the trailhead.
To qualify, simply attend one of the trail work days that will be posted on this site. Or lead a training hike, or help with promotions, or any way you can. If you have a talent and believe it may be useful, let us know! Email volunteer@rachelcarsontrails.org (be sure to add <notspam> to the subject) or call Steve at 412-512-4544.
Sorry, due to administrative limitations, this reward is inalienable (can't be transferred) and can only be earned on Conservancy trails or projects.
Help make the trail and the Challenge better! Why wait?