Springdale High School to Emmerling Park, climbing 1745 ft, descending 1882 ft
Emmerling Park to North Park Harmar, climbing 2041 ft, descending 1674 ft
A Perspective on Rachel Carson's Silent Spring After 60 Years
You will leave this session with all you need to know about the Baker Trail UltraChallenge.
Two miles and great for hikers of all ages and stages!
Join us for an 8-mile hike.
Tips and tricks for completing the Rachel Carson Trail Challenge
Tips and tricks for completing the Rachel Carson Trail Challenge
Join us for a reception!
Join us for a meet and greet!
Trail Workday #1
Park at the ice rink and hike up!
Volunteer and Hike on the Rachel Carson Trail
A full moon hike on various trails in North Park
15 miles
17 miles
Join a volunteer crew and improve the trail!
Join a volunteer crew and improve the trail!
Join a volunteer crew and improve the trail!
Join a volunteer crew and improve the trail!